Zod Optional 필드 타입 에러

Zod Optional Field TypeError

I was trying to write logic for validation on nickname when users provide value in sign-up form. Although nickname is not required, it should meet conditions below:

  1. Nickname should be combination of lowercase and numbers only, and special characters or whitespaces are not allowed.
  2. Nickname should not exceed 12 characters.


I used .optional() (opens in a new tab) method so that nickname filed can be string or undefined. And used .refine() (opens in a new tab) method to check whether nickname against REGEX_NICKNAME RegEx expression.


const REGEX_NICKNAME = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/);
const createAccountSchema = z.object({
nickname: z
.refine((value) => REGEX_NICKNAME.test(value), {
message: t("nickname_invalid_error"),
// ...

But then I got the following error.

Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2345)


The type of value, the parameter of callback function passed to .refine() method which is nickname value that users provided, did not match up with undefined. Therefore, I decided to do type guard.

Before Type Guard

I revised value type checking


const REGEX_NICKNAME = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/);
const createAccountSchema = z.object({
nickname: z
.refine((value) => REGEX_NICKNAME.test(value), {
message: t("nickname_invalid_error"),
// ...

After Type Guard

with type guard for the case when value is undefined.


const REGEX_NICKNAME = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/);
const createAccountSchema = z.object({
nickname: z
.refine((value) => value !== undefined && REGEX_NICKNAME.test(value), {
message: t("nickname_invalid_error"),
// ...

Before Type Guard

I revised value type checking

After Type Guard

with type guard for the case when value is undefined.


const REGEX_NICKNAME = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/);
const createAccountSchema = z.object({
nickname: z
.refine((value) => REGEX_NICKNAME.test(value), {
message: t("nickname_invalid_error"),
// ...

Problem 2

Type error was resolved, but then there was still an error happening on the frontend that even when I did not provide any value for nickname it still carried out RegEx expression validation. As nickname is not required field, I just wanted to carry out RegEx validation only when value was provided.


I took a look at colinhacks's comment on Github (opens in a new tab).



const REGEX_NICKNAME = new RegExp(/^[a-z0-9]+$/);
const createAccountSchema = z.object({
nickname: z
.refine((value) => value !== undefined && REGEX_NICKNAME.test(value), {
message: t("nickname_invalid_error"),
// ...


I thought it'd be better using .nullable() (opens in a new tab) rather than .optional(). This is because not providing any value is pretty much as same as null than undefined. But as logic of checking uniqueness of nickname with Prisma tried to accept undefined when value was not provided, I ended up using undefined type. Later, I'd better change my logic to accept null instead of undefined if possible.